Almacenes automáticos: gestión del almacén de manera automatizada

Guide to Automated Storage Systems

Automated Storage Systems are those in which the storage systems are operated automatically by robotic equipment in charge of handling the loads in the warehouse.

Although virtually any warehouse can now be automated regardless of size, the reality is that it will not always be a cost-effective option. Automated Storage Systems are a good choice when a high volume of goods needs to be moved in the warehouse.

Types of automated warehouses

As in the case of industrial racks for manual loading and industrial pallet racking, there are also different types of automated warehouses that adapt perfectly to the needs of sectors as diverse as the textile and cold food industries.

  • Crane operated racking
  • Miniload® racking
  • Hanging Garment Warehouse System
  • Refrigerated warehouses

Crane operated racking

Crane operated racking is a traditional rack equipped to handle unit loads automatically by means of stacker cranes.

It is a storage solution suitable for large heights and narrow aisle widths, which optimizes storage capacity.

Miniload® racking

The Miniload automated storage system is a standard system for trays or boxes that integrates shelving, machinery and warehouse management software into a single product.

Space savings, increased productivity, reduced picking time, cost reduction and versatility are the main benefits of using this lift-operated storage system.

Hanging garment racking

For the textile sector, specific solutions have been developed for the storage of garments hanging on hangers. These can be arranged on bars that are handled by stacker cranes that deposit and collect them on special supports installed on the rack.

Solutions can also be developed for the handling of hanging garments by means of overhead conveyors installed on multilevel mezzanines.

Cold storage rack

Cold storage racks are mainly used in sectors such as food or large distribution where the generation and maintenance of cold is one of the necessary characteristics for the treatment of their loads.

Automation is the best storage solution for cold rooms and refrigerated warehouses given their particular need for cold storage.

In the image gallery of our website you can see pictures of automatic warehouses of the different types mentioned above.

In Noega Systems we are dedicated to the design, manufacture, installation and inspection of metal racking, industrial and all types of storage systems. If your company needs advice on this matter, do not hesitate to contact us.

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