Cold storage rack


Cold storage rack

Deep freeze warehouses have a high cost of generating and maintaining the cold temperatures. These kind of solutions find application in the food industry and the retail sector.
almacenes frigoríficos automáticos


Due to the very low temperature levels required (down to -30ºC), the working enviroment in those warehouses is painful for the workers, who require special workwear that allows them develop their working activities with salubrity.

While manually operated deep freeze warehouses do exist (operated with lift trucks), it is the automation of those warehouses that permits the maximum optimization of the operations in those enviroments.


Almacenes frigoríficos automáticos: ventajas y diseño


Automated deep freeze warehouses can be designed and executed with different storage solutions, from a conventional pallet racking or shuttle systems with rails. The election of the most appropiate storage system depends on turnover, height, and load unit.

The working temperature within the warehouse is a basic information that needs to be taken into account for the design of the solution, the execution of welded joints and the finishing.

In these type of warehouses because of the difficult working conditions at very low temperatures and depending on the level of automation, safety accesories like protection and others are more relevant to avoid structural damages on racking components.

En este tipo de instalaciones debido a la penosidad que supone trabajar en ambientes a muy bajas temperaturas y en función del nivel de automatización que se se haya a ejecutar, cobra mayor importancia si cabe la implementacion de los elementos de seguridad que eviten deterioros de los elementos estructutales de las estanterías metálicas.


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