Manual picking system
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Manual picking system
These shelving systems include those in which the loading and unloading is done manually without using lifting equipment.
Ability to easily adapt to the specifications of the available space, to the goods stored and to user‘s requirements.
With a variety of widths and depths, and multiple configuration possibilities in height, it also allows the storage of large formats.
Possibility to extend the functionality of the shelves with accessories such as boxes and panels to provide the most optimized operations in your warehouse.
- Possibility of changing levels in the height.
- Access to all references from one aisle.
- Possibility of doubling the space with walkways and mezzanines.
Hand-loaded shelving or shelving for picking are designed to accommodate loads that can be manipulated for deposit or withdrawal by people. The system has the neccesary configuration and design flexibility to allow long lengths enabling the storage of bulky goods and multiple configuration possibilities in height.
Picking shelving system consists of vertical elements or frames perforated along their height that allows the placement of loading levels at the desired or requested height. These frames formed by two uprights and bracing joining them, are responsible for transmitting loads to the warehouse floor.
Horizontally, load levels are made up of two beams, one front and one rear, on which you can have a wooden floor (chipboard) or metal through panels. It is on these shelves on which the goods rest deposited and stored.
Depending on the required beam lengths and loads to be stored, there are different beams profiles available.
With Noega Systems‘ longspan shelving solution, it is also possible to build multitier structures. These structures allow to achieve heights of storage on multiple levels, accessible via stairs and practible by people.
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