Cretifications and accreditations
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Certifications and accreditations in warehouses are a sign of sensitivity to a job well done in today’s highly competitive and industrialised world.
At Noega Systems we are committed to a job well done and proof of this is that we have a Quality Management System certified according to ISO 9001 and an Occupational Health and Safety Management System according to ISO 45001.
ISO 9001:2015 is the basis of the Quality Management System. It is an international standard that focuses on all the elements of quality management that a company must have in order to have an effective system that allows it to manage and improve the quality of its products or services.
We also have Noega Systems accreditation as an inspection company in the industrial area, UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17020: 2012.
Access NOEGA’s Quality Policy at the following link: Quality Policy
At first glance, metal shelving may appear to be simple equipment made up of apparently simple structural elements. However, the reality is that metal racks are products made of thin sheet steel between 1.5 mm. and 3.5 mm. thick with a particular behaviour precisely because of this circumstance.
This has led to the development over time of a complete body of standards which condenses the knowledge of the sector and which must be applied in order to have safe and competitive industrial racking.
The most important technical standards are:
UNE EN 15512 “Storage in metal racking. Adjustable racking for palletised loads. Principles for structural design”.
UNE EN 15620 “Storage in metal racks. Adjustable racking for palletised loads. Tolerances, deformations and clearances”.
UNE EN 15629 “Storage in metal racks. Specification of storage equipment”.
UNE EN 15635 “Storage in metal racks. Application and use of storage equipment”.
UNE 58013 “Storage in metal racks. Requirements for the treatment of damaged elements”.
UNE 58014 “Storage in metal racks. Validation of storage equipment”.
Industrial metal racking stores a high amount of weight at height, so the safety of this equipment is fundamental.
Not only can damage be caused to goods but also to people, and therefore responsibility is of the highest level.
Safety starts with the right starting data and the right standards and design criteria.
From a legislative point of view, at least the following references must be taken into account:
Royal Decree RD 1215/1997 of 18 July 1997 establishing the minimum health and safety provisions for the use of work equipment by workers, and.
NTP 852 Storage on metal racks, published by the National Institute for Safety and Hygiene at Work, which sets out the safety conditions for storage on metal racks.
Noega Systems’ expert staff can advise you on the safety accessories that you need to incorporate into your storage system, such as safety guards or wire mesh.
Our technical capacity, our technical department is made up of design engineers with proven experience in the industrial storage sector.
We have the most advanced tools for 3D calculations and use finite element calculation methods.
Our technical values are tested in our own test laboratory.
We achieve maximum technical optimisation, always complying with current regulations and legislation.
Since 1 July 2013 and in compliance with Regulation 305/2011/EU of the European Parliament, the design and manufacture of self-supporting storage systems must be carried out in accordance with the standard EN 1090-1:2009 / A1 2011 “Execution of steel and aluminium structures”, the commonly known CE marking.
NOEGA Systems has since June 3rd 2014 with the Certificate of Conformity Nr. 0094/CPR/MAD/20140046 SPA issued by Lloyds Register after having undergone the scrutiny and analysis of the certifying entity, which applies to: “Structural components and kits for steel structures used in storage systems up to EXC 2”[pdf-embedder url=”” title=”NOEGA_0094-CPR-MAD-20140046-ENG_R3-Jun23-FPC-certificate”]
As of January 1, 2023, regulations 2019 No. 45 “The Construction Products (Amendment, etc.) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019” and 2020 No. 1359 “The Construction Products (Amendment, etc.) (EU Exit)Regulations 2020” come into force in the United Kingdom.
These regulations govern the requirements to be met by construction products for their placement on the UK market, now under the UK CA brand. This UK CA mark will apply to most products that previously required CE marking, including clad-rack storage systems.
Noega Systems, through certificate 0038/CPR/MAD/004, complies with the requirements of the British legislation, for which it is authorized to supply clad-rack storage facilities to the United Kingdom with the new UK CA marking.
Our designs and calculations have the quality guarantees conferred by our quality systems and the experience of our technicians.
The products have the maximum guarantees of hidden manufacturing defects and the necessary traceability systems that allow reverse tracking of the manufactured products.
Noega Systems is the first inspection entity accredited by ENAC with ENAC accreditation No. 281/EI466 according to the criteria set out in the UNE-EN ISO/IEC 17020:2012 CGA-ENAC-EI standard.
As we are declared as Inspection Entity type C, Noega Systems may be involved in the design, manufacture, supply, installation, use or maintenance of the items it inspects or similar competitive items. In addition, we may provide inspection services to parties other than our parent organisation.
Noega Systems is a company specialised in the design, calculation, supply and installation of industrial storage solutions.
Noega Systems was founded in February 2010 by 5 partners with extensive experience in the storage systems sector.
The team
Noega Systems has specialised staff with extensive experience in the storage sector.
Work with us
At Noega Systems we are constantly looking for people who are eager to work and want to be part of our project.
Certifications and accreditations in warehouses are a sign of sensitivity to a job well done in today's world.
The result of a process of continuous innovation in the improvement of our products and services, searching for new designs.