almacenes autoportantes

The clad rack warehouse, an awesome infrastructure

Clad rack warehouses are awesome infrastructures due to its large size, since it is a great work of engineering in which the rack itself constitutes the resistant structure of the warehouse building.

Actually, this is the main characteristic of this industrial storage solution the fact that it performs a dual function: storage equipment and building structure.

Another important fact about the clad rack warehouse is that each warehouse has a unique and very complex design that adapts to the requirements and storage needs of each project.

Depending on the project in question, it may be much more interesting to have a clad rack warehouse, thus avoiding having to carry out the civil construction of an industrial warehouse.

Process of creating a clad rack warehouse on video

Advantages and characteristics of a clad rack warehouse

Among the advantages provided by this industrial storage solution, we highlight the following:

  • Ideal storage system for great heights, making the most of the available space.
  • Possibility of adapting the project to different spaces, loads and/or weights.
  • Different levels of automation possible.
  • Control and safety of stored product and without the need for civil works.
  • Possibility of using different storage systems (conventional or automatic).
  • Improvement in the time needed to build the ship and a notable decrease in costs.

At Noega Systems we have extensive experience in the design, manufacture and assembly of clad rack storage systems. We also have the means to develop complex self-supporting installation projects. We are prepared with advanced calculation and design procedures to meet the requirements of our clients.

Noega Systems clad racks have the CE Marking certificate for clad rack systems in accordance with standard EN 1090-1:2009/A1 2011 “Execution of steel and aluminum structures. Requirements for the conformity assessment of structural components”.

You can visit our gallery of clad rack images from this link and you will see how the clad rack warehouse is, indeed, an awesome infrastructure.

At Noega Systems we are specialized in the design, manufacture, assembly and inspection of all types of metal shelving, industrial and storage systems. If your company needs advice in this area, do not hesitate to contact us.

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