Sistemas de almacenaje industrial de rack selectivo operado por transelevador

Types of industrial racking for palletized goods

In this post we introduce you to the different types of existing industrial racking for palletized goods.

As its name suggests, industrial racking for palletized loads are specific storage systems for storing goods in auxiliary elements or pallets.

Industrial racking for palletized goods

Industrial racking for palletized goods can be of various types depending on the characteristics of the goods to be stored or depending on whether the storage system used in the warehouse is manual or automatic.

In this sense, we are faced with conventional metal racking operated by manual handling equipment such as forklifts, for example, or with complex solutions with fully automated storage systems.

Industrial racking for palletized loads are perfectly suited to both light load units or load units weighing several tons and, in addition, they can be installed in dimensions and heights limited by handling equipment. For this we have the following types:

  •     Conventional pallet racking (APR)
  •     Drive-in Pallet Racking
  •     Mobile pallet racking
  •     Pallet live Storage
  •     Shuttle racking system
  •     Push-back pallet rack

Conventional pallet racking (APR)

Conventional racking is also known as pallet racking and is the most widespread storage solution on the market given its great versatility and its advantages in terms of cost savings and available space in the warehouse.

The conventional rack or selective rack is the universal storage system for pallets.

Drive-in Pallet Racking

Compact shelving is also known as drive-in pallet racking. This compact storage system allows you to maximize the use of space, not only at surface level but also at height level.

One of the most notable characteristics of the compact system or accumulation storage system is that the storage density is higher than that of the conventional system.

Mobile pallet racking

Mobile base racking for palletized goods is a conventional storage system for pallets in which the racks, instead of being fixed to the ground, are fixed on mobile bases on rails.

This storage solution allows you to multiply storage capacity while reducing warehouse space by reducing aisles with direct access to all stored pallets.

Pallet live Storage

Live racking for palletized goods is a dynamic system of pallets by gravity on rollers: Pallet live Storage

It is a compact storage solution equipped with slope mounted roller tracks for gravity shifting of pallets. In this way, this storage system complies with the requirement of the FIFO system (first-in-first-out) in which the first pallet in is the first pallet out.

Shuttle racking system

The Shuttle racking system is a compact storage system that achieves a high density of stored load units, which is especially important in refrigerated warehouses due to the cost of achieving and maintaining such low working temperatures. , around 25 degrees Celsius below zero.

Push-back pallet rack

Push Back pallet racks are a compact accumulation storage system that follows the LIFO (Last-In-First-Out) management principle, that is, the last pallet that we put in our metal rack is the first that we can remove.

One of the most outstanding features of this pallet storage system is the maximum compaction of the available space.

In the image gallery on our website you can see photos of the different types of industrial racking for palletized loads.

At Noega Systems we are specialized in the design, manufacture, assembly and inspection of all types of metal shelving, industrial and storage systems. If your company needs advice in this area, do not hesitate to contact us.

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