Racking inspection, a necessary test for the safety of your warehouse

Racking inspection is a mandatory and necessary examination for the safety of the warehouse. We are not referring to the maintenance of stored goods (which is also very important) but we are talking about taking an X-ray of the state of conservation and maintenance of the facilities, the warehouse and its equipment: the industrial racking.

If we want to avoid accidents in our warehouse caused by deterioration or misuse of the installation and work equipment, it is essential to carry out inspections of racks every year, as established by the standard.

This makes it possible to correct the deficiencies found during the inspection in the warehouse and ensures that existing regulations on safety and occupational risk prevention are complied with.

Let us remember that racks and storage systems are work equipment subject to the provisions of Royal Decree RD 1215 of 1997 “Minimum health and safety provisions for the use of work equipment”.

Improper use of metal racks can pose a considerable risk both for warehouse operators and for the facilities themselves.

The damage that a visible metal rack can suffer (bumps, dents, tears) is not always visible, many of which occur during loading and unloading of merchandise in the warehouse.

That is why technical inspections will also allow us to reduce the risk of accidents in the warehouse and its collateral effects such as economic damage caused by material damage to stored merchandise, interruption of service to customers or personal injury to operators and people who They work in the warehouse. It is therefore clear that these damages can negatively affect the operation, performance and load capacities of storage systems, making them more unsafe and dangerous.

Why should racking inspections be carried out?

The main reason is to ensure that storage systems are safe and thus be able to maintain industrial racking in accordance with current legislation.

We remind you that racking inspections must be carried out by an expert person who has the appropriate training and experience.

Benefits of carrying out Racking Inspections

Please find below a list of 30 benefits provided by carrying out the corresponding annual Racking Inspection.

  1. We comply with current legislation regarding the safety of work equipment and the responsibility that derives from it.
  2. We have inspected and reviewed warehouses (obligation established by the legislator).
  3. Prevention of occupational risks that may cause damage to the health of workers, merchandise or property.
  4. We identify possible deficiencies: assembly, static, documentary.
  5. We identify and value the damage to the racks: tears, breaks, blows, etc.
  6. We managed to reduce possible exposure to criminal or civil proceedings due to the possibility of incurring in possible accidents or injuries.
  7. We have an objective and professional evaluation of the real situation of storage equipment.
  8. We determine and make known the actions to be carried out on the storage equipment to correct the possible deficiencies detected, giving rise to valid storage facilities for use.
  9. We inform the employer and those responsible for the installation, other factors that must be taken into account and that are directly related to the storage systems (documentary deficiencies, in the revision records, you have PRSES, etc.).
  10. We increase the awareness of all levels of the organization about the importance of the safety of metal racks.
  11. We raise awareness about the safe use of storage systems.
  12. We give a clear signal from management to the rest of the company about the importance of security in warehouses.
  13. We get companies to show proactivity, leadership and commitment to the different agents that constitute it (suppliers, customers, workers, shareholders, etc.).
  14. We reduce property damage and operating costs.
  15. We reduce the loss of time caused by work interruptions and therefore increase the time available for production.
  16. We increase the storage capacity of our shelves due to their perfect condition.
  17. We increase productivity, since we manage to create an adequate work environment and reduce possible accidents.
  18. We protect the materials and goods stored to the maximum.
  19. We identify recurring and repetitive damage and act on it so that it does not occur again in the future.
  20. We continuously improve warehouse operations, with more efficient and productive work methods.
  21. We acquire and retain customers. We have to be aware that these may require us to inspect the storage systems as a method of ensuring our service provision to them.
  22. We build trust with investors and shareholders.
  23. We manage the cost of insurance. Bonus potential in premiums.
  24. We protect and improve the brand image of the company, as well as its prestige.
  25. We comply with the commitments derived from Corporate Social Responsibility, thus considering the economic, social and environmental repercussions.
  26. We make sure that we have trained and competent workers in the company.
  27. We apply continuous review and supervision processes, through the implementation of inspection and maintenance procedures and reduce unforeseen costs.
  28. We motivate other companies, mainly suppliers, to follow our example by increasing the security of their warehouses and consequently increasing the level of service they provide to our brand.
  29. We improve the quality of life of workers and reduce their psychological stress, providing them with greater personal peace of mind and their families, since they carry out their duties in safer warehouses.
  30. We increase motivation, cooperation, commitment and improve the mood in the workplace.

Our ITE® Racking Inspections service

Our ITE® methodology allows us to identify and classify the damage produced in the racks. These damages are documented photographically in the final report of the ITE®.

  • When carrying out ITE® Racking Inspection, we adapt to the client’s operations without interfering in the operation of the warehouse and following a predetermined inspection protocol.
  • By carrying out the ITE® Racking Inspection, you comply with current legislation and increase the safety and productivity of your warehouses.
  • We inspect storage systems from all manufacturers, regardless of the origin or age of the racks.
  • At Noega we are independent inspectors and we focus on increasing safety and reducing damage to the racks.

In our ITE® Racking Inspection service we have a specialized team and technician who is an expert in the inspection and validation of industrial racks, who will help you maintain the safety of your facilities and get the most out of them in compliance with current legislation and regulations. Ask us!

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