almacén semiautomático con carro satélite

Operation of a semi-automatic warehouse with satellite carriage

The satellite carriage is a storage solution that combines conventional and compact racking elements, operating semi-automatically or automatically. The operation of a semi-automatic satellite cart warehouse uses a satellite cart to move unit loads within the storage channels, allowing operations to be performed without forklifts entering the storage aisles, optimizing maneuvering times and reducing operating costs.

How does a semi-automatic warehouse with a satellite cart work?

In semi-automatic installations, operators are responsible for operating the forklifts that transport the pallets and for activating the operation of the satellite cart. Once inside the racks, the cart moves automatically. The satellite cart storage process is divided into four phases:

  1. Positioning of the satellite carriage: The forklift deposits the satellite carriage in the channel where it is to be operated.
  2. Pallet positioning: The pallets are placed one by one at the entrance of the channel, resting on the load profiles.
  3. Satellite Cart Operation: The operator instructs the satellite cart, usually by means of a tablet, to start the loading operation. The cart lifts the pallet and moves horizontally to the first available location, where it deposits the load.
  4. Repetition of the process: The satellite carriage returns to the beginning of the channel to pick up the next pallet, repeating this movement until the channel is full. Before occupying the last location, the cart is withdrawn to operate in another channel as needed.

Types of operations allowed by the satellite carriage

This system allows two types of storage operations:

  • FIFO (First In, First Out): The first pallet in is the first out. This method requires two access aisles: one for entry and one for exit.
  • LIFO (Last In, First Out): The last pallet in is the first out. Both loading and unloading are done through the same access.

Advantages of the satellite cart storage system

The main advantages of using a satellite cart system include:

Space saving: Allows more pallets to be stored in depth, maximizing the use of available space.

Reduced loading and unloading times: By eliminating the need for forklifts to enter the aisles, operations are streamlined.

Optimization of movements: The load shifts toward the operator, improving operational efficiency.

Increased flow of goods: Facilitates a greater flow of incoming and outgoing goods into and out of the warehouse.

Reduced errors: Automation reduces the possibility of human error.

Ease of maintenance: The system is simple to maintain and operate.

Cost savings: Operational efficiency and lower energy consumption contribute to cost savings.

Versatility: It is compatible with different types of pallets and can operate under FIFO and LIFO methods.

Safety: By not requiring forklifts to enter the aisles, the risk of accidents is reduced and damage to metal structures is reduced.

In Noega Systems we are dedicated to the design, manufacture, installation and inspection of metal shelving, industrial and all types of storage systems. If your company needs advice on this matter, do not hesitate to contact us and follow us on social networks.

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